
Interior doors – choice, price and quality

No matter what room we live in, whether it's a large mansion or a small apartment, we still need interior doors. There are a huge number of different options on the market, but some are too expensive, and others are suspiciously cheap. The problem arises when it is necessary to meet the planned budget and not lose the choice.

Stages of choosing interior doors

In most cases, we do not immediately choose an interior door. We carefully study the market, visit stores and listen to sales consultants. Then we turn to Internet resources to read reviews about this or that material and compare the pricing policy.

Межкомнатные двери – выбор, цена и качество

We go to visit friends and acquaintances and take a closer look at how interior doors made of various materials look in an already created interior and what disadvantages may arise over the time of their service. On the basis of all the materials collected by us, we make the final choice.

The cost and types of interior doors

The most expensive, but also one of the highest quality, are wooden doors. There are many models of these interior doors, for different types of premises. They can be either deaf or with glass inserts. You can also choose the glass to your liking.

It is both transparent and opaque, and you can generally make a picture from a stained glass window or a pseudo-stained glass window. These doors will last longer than all the others and will add sophistication to your home. Their cost will differ depending on the selected array. Oak and walnut will be more expensive, but mahogany and cherry are a little cheaper.


The most common currently are veneered interior doors. They almost do not differ in appearance from wooden ones, and their service life is quite long, but the price is significantly lower.

The color of the veneer can be chosen accordingly to the furniture that will be located in the room, or in any other, even to the color of the frames for photos or paintings on the wall. Inserts in the door can also be selected in any size and color.

Выбор межкомнатных дверей

With glass

Another interesting novelty in the market of interior doors can be called glass doors. They perfectly complement the interiors of modern styles, and make the space lighter and visually larger.

The cost of this type of door varies significantly depending on the size and manufacturer. Also, the price is affected by which decorative design you choose. Translucent doors with white dusting in the form of unusual drawings and patterns look interesting and unusual. This gives the room some mystery and strangeness.

There are also quite interesting options for sliding mechanisms of interior doors. They are installed on rails according to the type of wardrobes. In such cases, sound insulation is significantly reduced, but the appearance and creativity of such solutions justify their shortcomings.

The choice of interior doors is quite a complex and very responsible process, because this is the attribute of the house that does not change often. We hope that after making a decision and buying, you will be happy with your own purchase, and you will return home with joy.

Pub date: 2018.07.29